Sunday, 17 March 2024

Naveen Nadiminti Vaidya Nilayam's advice to make your face glow beautifully

*Naveen Nadiminti Vaidya Nilayam's advice to make your face glow beautifully*

If coriander juice is applied to the lips, it may turn red.
 To get rid of dark spots and streaks, grind almond milk and apply it around the eyes and wash it with water after one hour.

If you have light streaks on your face, you need to consult a doctor.
We should keep using the same cosmetics and before using any new type we should check whether it suits our skin.

* Food rich in vitamin 'C' should be consumed.

* Make sure that the sun rays do not hit the skin directly.

* Apply the pulp of ripe cucumber to the eyelids to keep the eyes white and beautiful. Eyes get cool and red streaks disappear.

* In order to keep the skin bright, one should take a bath by rubbing it well, not with a sponge or an outmeat, but at the end with salt.

* Castor oil mixed with petroleum jelly should be applied daily at night to make the eyelashes grow black and beautiful.

* It takes some time to get rid of black skin. Then bleaching creams, ammoniated mercury, steroid creams are good.

* Mild exercise (increased blood flow to the face) while consuming the right foods
It is good to sleep when you do it.
 * The cosmetics we use should be applied to the wrist first and then applied to the face only if there is no skin allergy.

* It is good to reduce Yudukulam, Dettol, lemon soaps and shaving creams on the face.

* Massaging the head with sarai and musambam will reduce hair fall and make hair grow well.

* If poka wood sandalwood is applied on pimples, pimples will disappear for years

To get rid of moles, grind green coriander and apply it on the moles.

. If the team is heavy, grind the plum leaves well and take a bath after an hour. Hair does not fall out
If you want to grow hair better, eat more lettuce and coriander

• If you dry orange peels and add some honey to it and apply it on your lips daily, your lips will become red.

. Liquid foundation is better than powder foundation. Choose the foundation color according to your skin tone.

* It is not good to apply too much powder. To remove the excess powder, gently wipe with a pad.
* This group created health information on ayurvedic medicine and create awareness of diseases and management group
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